January / February 2025 Concnshell Chronicles
Starting 2025

New Year's Day 2025, Vero Beach Florida
Michael, Laura, Paul, Arielle, Mikaela, Moselle & Lukas
I feel very fortunate to be alive in 2025. Our culture seems to waking up after many years where we have seen the affects of individual morality that has created chaos in our society. Anxiety and depression are at an all time high in our culture. Despite living the very best and most comfortable lifestyle in human history, many are dissatisfied with what our world offers.
Pleasure, Power and Possessions are not enough to satisfy that deep need we have for purpose and relationship. It’s because we humans are created in God’s image, and He has placed His desires for us within our DNA. Nothing else will fill that place He holds in our lives.
Be encouraged! Bible sales are up 22% in 2024, with many 20-30 year old purchasing their very first Bible. People are looking for answers to life’s issues and we are the ones who have experientially learned where those answers lie- within a personal relationship with our Creator.
I know that many of you are finding yourselves surrounded by a generation that is often clueless to life-skills in relationships and navigating the complexities of daily life. Be encouraged! God has brought these into our sphere of influence, as we have many of those answers that they are looking for! I encourage you to be open to these new relationships. Invite them for coffee or a meal -- even in your home! Invite them to some of your normal activities – like at the beach or pickleball court. Hospitality is the first step in showing love, and especially to strangers.
Ask many questions as you meet. Everyone likes to talk about themselves. Listen attentively as they share their life experiences. Ask the Holy Spirit to open their hearts and give you His words to speak to them. When appropriate, invite God’s presence by praying with them. Remember He told us that as we are ‘making disciples’ He would be there with us, as part of the process, drawing them to Himself. Count on that aspect! He is doing something with those He brings across your path.
My friends, I sense we are in the beginning stages of a cultural revolution where many are turning back to the values and personal connection to the Biblical Worldview that has resulted in so many advances for the betterment of humanity in the fields of education, medicine, government, commerce, and science. As this happens, God has assigned our part to play.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10"
We are like Phillip who was sent to the Road to Gaza where he encountered the Ethiopian Eunuch who was confused while reading a passage from Isaiah. Phillip helped him understand the passage was about Jesus, and this Black African became a follower of Jesus who took the Gospel back to Africa and began a Christian movement that is still growing today. Remember that when we are accused by some in our culture of being a white colonizer slavery movement — Christianity is the most inclusive movement in human history, spreading far beyond it’s original geographical boundaries to every continent on Earth.
We are very excited about our opportunity this month to re-open our café on the island of Utila which has been closed since the Covid quarantine of 2020-21. We have a team of dedicated missionaries to go with Laura and I to spend the next 10 weeks serving good food and drink to the international crowd that comes to the six dive schools that surround our property.

It is such an opportunity to many who are taking time off from their jobs to travel. They come for recreation, fun and adventure. Since we opened our café there in the summer of 2011, we have had hundreds of significant conversations, meals, and prayers with many of these travelers. Many have kept in contact with us on social media, while others have contacted us thanking us for the care we gave them and as one girl from San Francisco wrote “Explaining Jesus to me in such an understanding manner.”

It is a very natural approach of giving care to strangers and becoming their friends. In the process they notice our lifestyle of giving, especially when they ask about our school project in the Miskitia of Honduras/Nicaragua, and that often provokes question as to why we do what we do. Laura often has opportunity to share how she was a Buddhist who discovered who Jesus was, and I sometimes tell my story of my encounter with my demon possessed - sorcerer ex- girlfriend which propelled me into my search of who Jesus really is.

We all have our own stories of our personal encounters with God, and these carry much weight to our new friends as they process their quest to encounter the Living God. Be ready with your testimonies of what God has done in your life. People are searching for real relationship, not a religion with rules to follow.
“Father, I pray for all my brothers and sisters who are reading this that you would fill them with excitement as to how you will use them this year 2025 to bring life to so many that are search-ing. I pray you would empower them with your supernatural giftings of the Holy Spirit as you bring those across our paths that you have been pursuing for years. May this be a year of reconciliation to you by so many in this world. Protect us from the schemes of the evil one who would dissuade us from getting out of the dugout and onto the playing field where we will take our swings and hit spiritual homeruns for you.”

Lamb Bleatings
As the New Year dawns, I have had time to consider and hear from the Lord on making more of His ways my ways. As I have, I seem to come back to this concept that is one of the fundamentals of my faith:
LOVE is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
Its like this : When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does. Blut when I grew up, I put away childish things.
There are three things that will endure---faith, hope, and love---and the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor.13:4-8, 11, 13
LOVE is the basis of our relationship with God and as it should be with those people around us.
GOD IS LOVE AND LOVE IS ETERNAL and is perfect and and complete, full of hope and a future. There is no end in the kingdom of God, Our Creator knows us and loves us intimately, sacrificially and forever.
It is a moment by moment battle to keep LOVE first. It is the best weapon, but I fail frequently at my READY, AIM, FIRE techniques. I get distracted very easily…emotionally, mentally, physically, psychologically,etc . My eyes dart to and from and I get knocked off of my foundation of God’s eternal Love taking care of all the details in my life.
Years ago our family got offered the chance to take a gun safety course in Montana from a friend who was retired sheriff and firearms instructor. He wanted us to be safe and able to protect ourselves properly. Michael got his concealed weapons permit which is now no longer required in the free state of Florida. Every once in a while we go to practice on the range.
Our Gun Safety teacher told Michael, “Hey your wife has a gift and could com-pete if she wanted to. She could win some prize money.”
I may have a gift, but only regularity in practice can develop that gift to be effective. Michael goes to practice more and he continues to improve and hit the intended target with greater accuracy, consistency and has a greater confidence level of defending us safely.
The saying goes….READY, AIM, FIRE. I often fire with no aim and react rather than pause to ready myself. (in real life)
But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20
READY: Put on the full armor of God that you will be ready to defend yourself against the powers that work against us at every turn here on earth. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, principalities and dark forces lurking around ready to pounce upon each one of us. The battle between Good vs evil….Light vs. darkness is real and affects us all. I am easily triggered by a variety of situations, people and emotions that easily rile me up. When I actually shoot a weap-on, we do a few preliminaries to prepare…We put on head phones on to block out the intense shooting sounds the gun makes. I very intentionally hold my eyes and hands still so I can get my best shot to go where I want it to. The FOCUS is necessary.
Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Watch the path of your feet And all your ways will be established. Prov 4:25-26
AIM: The focus of our prayers are Jesus and his will for our lives. He wants us to partner with Him in what He’s doing on the Earth.
Pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 1 Thess 5:17
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. Proverbs 3:5
Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:16
We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.
Philippians 4:13
FIRE: HIT the mark of HUMILITY AND SUBMISSION when everything within us screams for attention and reckoning.
Laura putting her shots in the center!
“Forgive me Lord for drawing my own weapon and firing away without thought of you or even a consideration of what you would want. I am full cocked and loaded and often come into a situation with my guns blazing. Forgive me for my uncontrolled behavior. I need you to control me and the rapid fire of my wagging tongue and senseless words that do not give grace and blessing to a moment. I literally invite the enemy to my table. Forgive me .
I want you to ready me, point me in your direction and help me to see you and hit the mark you have for me. Subdue my recklessness and reactionary behavior.
In the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank you that you cover a multi-tude of sin and in you there is only Light. Help us to Love, serve, and give to one another so that we can thrive together into eternity. Help us to live in the constancy of Your presence because you are there and YOU are not silent.” Laura
Study Tours 2025
With Dr Randy Smith
Turkey "The Seven Churches of Revelation" June 18-28 2025
Italy "Paul's Response to the Roman World" Oct 27-Nov 7 2025

Day 1: DEPARTURE DAY (Wednesday, June 18, 2025)
Flights are from an east coast gateway (ATL). Overnight: in flight.
Day 2: ARRIVAL in ISTANBUL (Thursday, June 19, 2025)
Arrive in Istanbul and transfer to hotel. Welcome dinner this evening and introductions. Overnight: Istanbul (1 of 3). D
Day 3: ISTANBUL (Friday, June 20, 2025)
The historic and grand city (ancient Constantinople) will be our backdrop to look at the period of expansion in the early centuries of the church. During these next two days, we will deal with the unique fusion of east and west that can be seen in Istanbul. This will provide the backdrop to discuss issues of the period of the Apostolic and Apologetic Fathers, including 1) The canon of the Scripture; 2) The order and formalization of creedal doctrine; 3) The structural footprint of the church (how the church became a political force and at what cost).
Understanding east and west comes from experiencing them both. To that end, we selected six experiences for you. After breakfast, we will have a classroom introduction to our program (1.5 hours) and then visit:
- The collection at the Istanbul Archaeological Museum (grandeur of the past),
- A brief view of the park area where the ancient Hippodrome once stood (the volatility of power in decline),
- The Grand Bazaar (the powerful commercial base) and
- The Aya Irini (the acknowledgment of Holy Scripture). After these, we will have dinner and a relaxing overnight at our hotel. Overnight: Istanbul (2 of 3). B,D
Day 4: ISTANBUL (Saturday, June 21, 2025)
Continuing our theme discussing the early period of Christianity, we will continue our seven experiences with:
- Aya Sophia (structured power of heaven and earth).
- Turkish bath (comfort, the earth and heaven) for a unique but wonderful cultural experience! Our day will end again with dinner and a relaxing time at the hotel. Overnight: Istanbul (3 of 3). B,D
Day 5: SMYRNA / IZMIR (Sunday, June 22, 2025)
Today we begin the ongoing theme of seven heart problems that effect Jesus followers as taken from His letters to seven churches. The first we will visit is to Smyrna, where we learn about “Fear and Heart Health: When opposition presses us and has a chilling effect on our faithfulness.” After a morning flight to Izmir, we will visit sites in the city, including the walled Citadel, an excellent view of the harbor and the St. Polycarp Church. Overnight: Izmir (1 of 2) B,D
Day 6: PERGAMUM / BERGAMA (Monday, June 23, 2025)
Our second of the seven churches visits will be at Pergamum, where we look at “Exhaustion and Heart Health: When we join the corps of the unfaithful because we feel we just can’t fight ‘City Hall’ anymore.” After breakfast, we will journey by motor coach to Bergama (Pergamum, 2 h 20m) via a beautiful coast road: Acropolis, Great Theatre, area of altar of Zeus. Nearby, visit the Red Basilica; walk through the Asklepion, the famous medical center of antiquity. Overnight: Izmir (2 of 2). B,D
Today we will visit the ancient sites of three of the churches, and continue the “heart health” theme, first with a visit to Thyatira, where we examine “Complacency and Heart Health: When we tolerate immorality because we don’t want to cause a conflict.” Next, we travel and visit the ancient city of Sardis, where we learn about “Apathy and Heart Health: When we allow the weakness to spread unchecked by vigilance and defense of the truth.” Finally, we make our way to ancient Philadelphia, and study a bit on “the Feeling of Insignificance and Heart Health – When we feel tiny and won’t push to deliberately build the body of believers.” For travel planning, after breakfast, we plan to depart our hotel in Izmir for the visit of Akhisar (Thyatira, 1h45m). From there we travel south to Sart (Sardis, 1 h20m), visit ruins of the Temple of Artemis, Royal Road, gymnasium, and synagogue. Travel on to the modest ruins of Alasehir (Philadelphia, 1 h). On to Hierapolis area. Overnight: Pamukkale / Hierapolis area (1 of 2). B,D
Day 8: HIERAPOLIS – PAMMUKALE - LAODICEA. (Wednesday, June 25, 2025)
Today we visit HIERAPOLIS and her sister city at Laodicea, where we will discuss “Distraction and Heart Health – When we focus so much on this world’s success, we forget this isn’t the real world.” This morning we will depart first for a visit of Hierapolis, Pamukkale, and Laodikeia (25 m, Laodicea), then return to our spa hotel for refreshment. Overnight: Pamukkale / Hierapolis area (2 of 2). B,D
Taking a break from the Revelation letters, we will climb up onto the ruins of Colossae and discuss the writing of Paul to the Colossians (and the foundations of conflict in pseudo-sciences, while also addressing the small letter of Philemon. After our visit, we will travel to the ruins of Colossae’s ancient “sister city” of Aphrodisias, before driving to our hotel for dinner near Ephesus. Overnight: Kusadasi (1 of 2). B,D
Day 10: EPHESUS / SELCUK (Friday, June 27, 2025)
Today we complete our theme of the seven churches at the monumental excavations in Ephesus, where we will look at “Priorities and Heart Health: When we neglect our walk with God and our heart becomes unhealthy.” This includes a full day tour of Ephesus including the Arcadian Way, the Fountain of Trajan, the Library of Celsus, and the Great Theatre. Visit to the Chapel of the Virgin Mary (Double Church), where the Third Ancient Council convened. The Basilica of St. John. Visit the Museum of Ephesus for an up-close look at artifacts from the ancient city. Overnight: Kusadasi (2 of 2). B,D
Day 11: IZMIR – ISTANBUL (Saturday, June 28, 2025)
After breakfast, we travel to the Izmir Airport for our flight to Istanbul. Soon, we will be home, refreshed and thinking about how to manage our heart more effectively!
If you are interested, please go to
Please let Dottie know that you are part of the Seek The Lamb group.
Unfortunately the Bagby Family has had an long lanned event in June which will keep us in the US during this time. However we will have many of our friends with Randy and Dottie on this trip.

Italy "Paul's Response to the Roman World" Oct 27-Nov 7 2025
We were with Randy and Dottie in 2007 when Randy decided to use Christian and Roman sites in Italy to show the culture of the First Century, the challenges to the Christian Faith, and how Paul devised a strategy to overtake that culture with God's culture. Our 21st Century world shares many of the same values of the Roman world and the same challenges to Christians who take the Great Commission to heart.

Italy Oct 27 – Nov 7 2025
Land Only: $5699 per person
- First, each participant should be able to “put on the skin” of an ancient Roman as we carefully identify the challenges of reaching them with the Gospel.
- Second, with text in hand, we will highlight outreach methods that help establish a pattern for what has worked well in pluralistic pagan settings of the past.
- Third, we will immerse each participant in common “Roman street” imagery that fills the Epistles to help us more thoroughly understand their meaning.
Travel Itinerary
Day One. Monday, October 27, 2025. Departure Day.
Depart USA for FCO (Rome). Overnight: In flight.
Day Two. Tuesday, October 28, 2025. Arrive in Rome.
Arrive Rome and transfer to hotel. Overnight: Near the Coast. (1). ,D
Day Three. Wednesday, October 29, 2025. Setting the New Testament in the Roman Period.
Theme: To be a Roman - how goods, services and transport held an Empire together. Rome was both an Empire and an idea. Today we will examine what held the identity of a vast Empire together. (Sites: Ostia and the Via Appia “Three Taverns”). Tonight, we will have a special "Roman style" meal! Overnight: Mansio Hotel on Via Appia. (1). B,D
Day Four. Thursday, October 30, 2025. Pictures of Daily Life at the time of Paul.
Today we will visit a maritime Villa of Emperor Tiberius, and discuss how events in Rome set up the trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate. Next, we will move to Minturno, where we will demonstrate how understand the motifs in Paul’s Epistles that sprung from the daily images of Roman life will help you read his writings more clearly. After lunch, we will make our way to the ancient site of Cumae, where we will tackle a tough passage from Ephesians where Paul described events between the Crucifixion of Jesus and His Resurrection, before we drive to Pompeii for a local restaurant and overnight in the village. Overnight: Near Pompeii excavations (1). B
Day Five. Friday, October 31, 2025. Sorrento Day: Fun in the sun!
As we walk through excavated ancient streets from 79 CE, we will expose common images used by Paul and draw us back to a new view of his writings. (Herculaneum and Pompeii). Overnight: Sorrento (1). B
Day Six. Saturday, November 1, 2025. How the Christian Message Spread.
For those who want the quintessential Italian experience, today is your day! Some will want to walk in the local market of the “city of lemons” and enjoy the restaurants, shops and natural beauty of this world-class city. Others will want to take the ferry to Capri, where they can engage in a host of water activities or travel up to see the Villa of Tiberias. It’s your choice! Overnight: Sorrento (2). B
Day Seven. Sunday, November 2, 2025. A Spectacular Civilization.
Today we will visit the excavated Villa of San Marco in Castellamare di Stabia, the Museum and the excavated ancient winery at Boscoreale, The Villa of Poppea Sabina at Oplontis, the Abbey of Montecassino (modesty site!) and end our day near Rome near to the Papal retreat at Castel Gandolfo. Overnight: Villa Degli Angeli or comp. (1) B,D
Day Eight. Monday, November 3, 2025. Paul's Visits in Rome.
Theme: Rome was held together as much by spectacle as by anything else. After a panorama of Rome by bus, we will visit the Forum Romana, Palatine Hill, Circus Maximus, and the Colosseum in search of the spectacles familiar to all Romans. (Drive to Rome, Forum Romana, Colosseum and a walking tour of sites from the Tiber beside the Teatro Marcello to the Capitoline Hill). Overnight: Rome (1 of 4). B,D
Day Nine. Tuesday, November 4, 2025. From Lost Empire to Living Faith.
Theme: Paul came to Rome the first time under guard and house arrest. During this two-year period he wrote the so called "Prison Epistles". This morning we will visit the setting where Paul was likely writing from. Later, we will follow Paul's second visit from his arrival to his beheading and burial. (St. Paul alla Regola, Pantheon, Three Fountains Abbey, St. Paul's Outside the Walls, Catacombs.) Overnight: Rome (2 of 4). B
Day Ten. Wednesday, November 5, 2025. The Vatican and Museums.
Theme: the Gospel did not stop with Paul, but was transmitted through the centuries to the ordinary people by means of the arts. One cannot spend time in Rome and miss a visit to the incredible Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. Today we will take a breath away from Paul's life and gear up for next part of our travel experience by breaking the ground on our understanding of art. (Vatican and St. Peter's Church.) Overnight: Rome (3 of 4). B
Day Eleven. Thursday, November 6, 2025. Free day in Rome.
Our day at leisure allows time to shop, or just relax and take in modern Roman culture and that sense of “Dolce Vita.” Overnight: Rome. (4 of 4) B
Day Twelve. Friday, November , 2025. Depart to USA
Please join Laura and I and other friends on this exciting trip during the least crowded time to travel in Europe. Please tell Dottie that you are part of the Seek The Lamb group.
Italy "Paul's repsonse to the Roman World"

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