November 2024 Conchshell Chronicles
Giving Thanks

Living in the Third and Fourth World has given me an unusual perspective on life that many of my fellow citizens of the USA do not share. This photo of me enjoying a bowl of hot rice on the bank of the Coco River after hours of trudging through a swamp may help you understand my thankfulness of living in America. Many over the years have shared this profound feeling.

Rio Coco - Utlamata 1986
Being Thankful is an American tradition. It began with the settlers who arrived in Massachusetts in 1620. They had a rough first winter, where over half of the original 108 died of disease and the harshness of the winter. The following year, 1621, God supplied a Native American who spoke English who taught them how to plant crops in this New World. If it wasn’t God, then it was one of those incredible history-changing coincidences. They decided to have a celebration at harvest time to give thanks to God for their provision. They had many reasons to give thanks.
President George Washington called for a “celebratory day of thanksgiving and prayer” in 1789 after years of war with England and the establishment of the American Republic. He and his fellow Revolutionaries had many reasons to celebrate- they had defeated the mightiest army in the world!
President Abraham Lincoln likewise issued a proclamation for a national day of thanksgiving after the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War for Thursday, November 26, 1863. The greatest threat to the united Republic had been defeated- they had many reasons to give thanks. After that, “Thanksgiving Day” became an American tradition which was finally set into law as a national holiday on the fourth Thursday in November by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1941 after years of economic depression.
Getting through the Great Depression was reason enough for our nation to give thanks. Within a month of that first official Thanksgiving Day we would be attacked by the Japanese Empire at Pearl Harbor and within days Nazi Germany would declare war against the United States. That war would last for the next four years, and with victory over these two evil empires, we had many many reasons to give thanks.
See the trend? When we face national struggles successfully, our nation afterward turns to God to give thanks for His intervention into our affairs.
As we look at our present situation in our nation, we have many reasons to give thanks. We have freedoms that every other nation admires and whose citizens desire. We have opportunities for education & entrepreneurship like no other country in history. Our government gives each of us the right to choose our representatives and leaders and the responsibility to do so.
All of these desirable qualities of the American life come from a Biblical World View, where our Creator gives us an other’s—centered morality, and freedoms to express opinions, explore His Creation, educate ourselves, apply our creative energies for the common good.
Yes, we Americans have much to be thankful for this year 2024.
Paul told his friends in Ephesus (and to all of us):
Give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20
God knows that something happens to our soul when we pause during the day to acknowledge His goodness and care for us.
Thankfulness puts things in balance. It keeps our focus where it needs to be- on Him. We acknowledge where all the good things in life come from – Him.
Yes, BE THANKFUL this November 2024. Enjoy this Second American Revolution that we are experiencing. Michael

Pico Bonita mountains on the Honduras mainland from a dock on Utila.
This range goes up to 7985 feet less than 7 miles from the coast.
Lamb Bleatings
PRIVILEGE: is the unearned advantage , special right, benefit enjoyed or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
My father used to say, “ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING”.

Jean, Ronald and their daughter Laura
I am thankful to have the privilege of calling myself a follower of Christ for the past 47 years of my life. I am thankful and privileged to have the daily opportunity to engage with my heavenly Father moment by moment and to involve Him in my every decision, thought, feeling and action. It is a miraculous privilege I possess and I daily take it more seriously as I see how he does Life in me, through me and all around me. It is stunning. We live in exciting times and we desire to partner with Jesus in all that He has in heaven and on earth.
I GET TO be a part. I don’t HAVE TO or GOT TO, but I GET TO by the privilege granted from above. I GET TO says that I acknowledge the gift from God for the moment. Every breath is a privilege that the Creator himself grants .
It is a gift… breathing, moving and having our being.
The mandates to live by have played a continual feast of thought to meditate on… It is good to fill our hearts and minds with thoughts that breed true LIFE. Here are some passages of the Bible that I have been meditating on these past weeks:
“In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. Talk to God without stopping (Pray without ceasing) Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality.”
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Phil 4:4-8
“This you know , my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls. But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.” James 1:19-22
As I remind myself of these lifegiving principles, I notice my attitudes, my reactions, and my personal peace changes for the better. I also notice that my patience grows as a result.
My most recent meditation point and passionate hope and desire is to begin baptizing those we love, serve and give to all around us. Michael got to baptize Mikaela and Lukas on the beach while on Maui when they were 9 and 8 or so….May there be more for us all.
With all that is happening in our culture now, I find this passage of Scripture is becoming more and more important with all my friends and those new ones that God places before me. We have such an opportunity to be Salt & Light to those around us!
“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matt 28:18-20
Michael recently wrote about this on our Biblical Places Spiritual Spaces blog page. Maybe take a moment and journey with us to the Mount of Beatitudes along the Sea of Galilee and hear what Jesus means when He tells us to be "Salt & Light' to those around us. We have great opportunity in this season.
Mount of Beatitudes - Jesus' Most Famous Teaching
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Laura

Lukas, Moselle, Laura, Mikaela, Michael, Paul & Arielle
2025 Study Tours
This month, our dear friend and ministry partner Dr. Randy Smith and his wife Dottie sent us their study tour schedule for 2025.

Randy, Dottie & Laura, Rome, 2007
Due to the unrest in Israel and the ongoing conflict with Hamas, Randy has put on hold the Israel trips and instead has shifted to Biblical Study Tours in Italy, Greece, Turkey and Ireland. Many of you have been with us since our first study tour with Randy in 1997 to three of these locations and have a greater understanding of the Biblical message and its application to our lives in this generation. Randy and Dottie are currently in Ireland preparing for their first study tour there in June.

Dottie, Laura, Larissa, Aaron, Michael & Randy Istanbul 2021
Here is the schedule:
Greece and Islands Cruise – March 20-31 2025 “Paul’s Mission Journey: Serving Christ in Difficult Times” $3999
This is a ‘land-sea’ study that begins in Thessaloniki, visiting Philippi, Berea, Athens, Corinth and then by sea to Mykonos, Crete, Santorini, Ephesus, and back to Athens.

Philippi 2001

Sunrise on the Acropolis - Athens 2001
Turkey: June 18-28 2025 “Istanbul and the Seven Churches of Revelation” $3799
Start in one of the most historical cities Byzantium/Constantinople, Istanbul where Christian culture flourish in the First Millennium. Then fly to Smyrna (Izmir) and walk the sites of Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Hierapolis, Laodicea, Colossae and finally ending in Ephesus. This study is very applicable to our conduct and effectiveness in our times!


Ephesus - Cardo 2008
Ireland: June 7-17 2025 “Sinners, Saints and Scholars” $5399
It has often been said that Irish monks saved Western Civilization. Find out how they did and the important heritage that bold Christians undertook to tame a pagan nation and set an example for us to follow.

Italy: Oct 12-19 “Paul’s Response to the Roman World” October 12-19 2025 $3999
We live in a culture very similar to Ancient Rome. How did Paul and his team spread the Gospel in such a manner that in a few centuries it became the dominate religion of the Empire? We were with Randy and Dottie in 2007 when Randy was writing the book and preparing for this essential study tour. Highly recommended!

Pompeii - Wine Bar Laura, Randy & Dottie 2007
Please call Larisa or Dottie at (800) 371-4485 to get on the schedule for any of these tours. Please mention Laura and Michael when you do. Prices listed are for double occupancy/ land only but they can arrange good airfares for you!
For further information go to

Seek The Lamb Giving

Rio Coco Beans Coffee
We are now offering Coffee Club subscriptions for our delicious high altitude, hand picked, slow roasted specialty coffee. Please got to our webstore and select your order and receive a 15% discount and have it shipped to your home or office. You will receive that order each month or every other month and may change your order at any time or cancel.
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