The Eternal Adventure
A study in the greatest adventure that God has created for us all, which begins in the Book of Acts.

Bernini's colonnade, The Vatican, Rome Italia
Chapter 1 - The Crucifixion, Resurrection and Gospel of Jesus Christ
The Eternal Adventure begins with the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. This changes everything! Now the disciples understand the Gospel Message- Forgiveness of sin to all those who repent and receive Jesus as Lord." They spend time with the resurrected Jesus, share meals with Him, and receive their instructions for the next phase.
Chapter 1 - The Crucifixion, Resurrection and Gospel of Jesus Christ

Chapter 2 - The Birth of the Church
In an unprecedented move, the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus' disciples, during the Feast of Pentecost, causing more than 3000 people to become part of the Christian community. In the process, Peter explains what it takes to "get saved." Then Luke describes how this event affected the Community and how their lifestyle changed to reflect their new character.
Acts 2: The Birth of The Church
Chapter 3 - The First Miracle
The Christian Community forms after the infilling of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. They are sharing intimate moments, worshipping together, studying the Scriptures, having meals together, and sharing with anyone who had a need. As they did this, the Holy Spirit was working among them, bringing more into the community. The one day when Peter and John were walking up the steps into the Temple.....

Chapter 4 - "Don't Mess With The Holy Spirit"
The Christian community has been empowered by the Holy Spirit and are participating in many miracles that the Holy Spirit is doing through them. Many are joining the community, but there is a new lesson that the Holy Spirit is going to give to this infant Christian community that will cause significant growth and the bearing of much fruit for the Lord.
Chapter 4 - 'Don't mess With The Holy Spirit"
Chapter 5 - When Problems Arise
Chapter 5 - When Problems Arise
Chapter 6 Deaf Ear Disciples
The Church has suffered a wave of persecution, which has scattered many of the disciples throughout Judea and Samaria. This has led to a great move of God in Samaria and the establishment of an Ethiopian church. In a miraculous turn, the leader of the persecution, the pharisee Saul of Tarsus, has had a personal encounter with Jesus while on the road to Damascus, and after being blind for three days, has his sight restored and becomes a follower of Jesus.
Now the church is going to learn a very personal lesson from the Holy Spirit: the biggest obstacle to the advancement of the Kingdom is often our own preconceptions and prejudices, which must be overcome.

Chapter 7 The Power of Relationships
The Gentiles are being brought into the Kingdom of God as the disciples are scattered after Steven's Death. Jesus' plan to take the Gospel into the 'uttermost parts of the Earth' is beginning. Now He will show us all how He provides the personnel needed to make disciples
Chapter 7 The Power of Relationships

Chapter 8 With A Little Help From My Friends

Chapter 9 A Holy Spirit Road Trip
The disciples have experientially learned all the skills they need to undertake their first mission trip, which get initiated by the Holy Spirit during a time of prayer. They set out for a Holy Spirit Road Trip where amazing things happen, and more lessons are learned.
Chapter 9 A Holy Spirit Road Trip
Chapter 10 When God Throws A Curveball
Paul and Barnabas continue their Mission Road Trip through Southern Turkiye, finding a receptive audience as well as hostility directed against the apostles. God has thrown the Jews a curveball, as the Messiah Jesus does not fit their expectations. What do we do when He doesn't meet our expectations? We learn about the different soils where the Gospel seeds fall, and how to persevere when hardships in ministry come our way.
Chapter 10 When God Throws A Curveball

Chapter 11 No Cheeseburgers at the Jerusalem McDonalds?
After returning from their first missionary trip, Barnabas and Paul find themselves in a most significant debate in Jerusalem as to whether these new Gentile Christians had to adopt a Jewish lifestyle to be considered "Christians". The deeper issue is very relevant to our own times and we learn from them how we followers of Jesus must understand and apply the Laws of Moses to our own lives. Do we try to obey them all? Ignore them? Or look for something more significant?
Chapter 11 No Cheeseburgers at the Jerusalem McDonalds

Junior Archeologists
Mikaela and Lukas on the Walls of Jerusalem 1999
Chapter 12 Flagrant Disregard Ahead
Paul and Barnabas make plans for their second missionary road trip but immediately discover that their plans do not line up with God's plans for their adventure. We learn a very valuable lesson as the Holy Spirit leads the teams in different but more effective directions.
Chapter 12 Flagrant Disregard Ahead

Chapter 13 Relational Discipleship in Thessaloniki
After being asked to leave Philippi, Paul and Silas travel to one of the commercial centers of the Roman Empire- the city of Thessaloniki. There they engage the members of the synagogue as well as the Greeks and Romans. Many become followers of Jesus because of their efforts, and in the process show us effective relational discipleship as modeled by Jesus Himself.
Chapter 13 Relational Discipleship in Thessaloniki

Chapter 14 The Noble Minded Men of Berea
After their successful mission in Thessaloniki, Paul and Barnabas arrive in Berea, where they spend time proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah to the men in the synagogue. Through their experience, the Holy Spirit teaches us some important principles on how we are to handle the Word of God. This is one of the most significant and foundational lessons of the Book of Acts!

Chapter 15 Speaking to the Philosophers of Our Age
After a successful ministry in Berea, Paul travels alone to Athens, the cultural center of his world, where he begins conversations in the marketplace and eventually gets invited to speak before the council of the leading philosophers of his day. What an opportunity to engage the culture of his time and bring the Good News of the Gospel. Through this experience, the Holy Spirit shows us how to engage our culture and connect with them in a way that they can understand God's Message to Humanity.
Chapter 15 Speaking to the Philosophers of Our Age

Chapter 16 A Sailor's Town
Leaving Athens, Paul travels to one of the major crossroads of the ancient world- Corinth. Situated on an isthmus four mile wide between the Gulf of Corinth and the Aegean Sea, this sailor's town was the sex capital of the Biblical world. It was here that Paul began sharing the message of the Gospel to a different crowd that he found in Athens. Through his experience and later letters, we learn some very significant lessons on how to reach the World for Christ.

Chapter 17 Ephesus : The Scriptures & the Power of God
After a successful mission trip into Europe where five congregations were established, Paul heads back to Jerusalem and Antioch, with a stop at the most spiritually charged city in Asia.

Chapter 18 Macedonia, Greece & Troas
The Four Essentials of Discipleship
Paul travels from Ephesus to Greece, Macedonia and back to Troas exhorting his disciples. In Troas he has an all night meeting. What do you think He discussed with his disciples that night?
Chapter 18 The Essentials of Discipleship

Chapter 19 Miletus
Humility, Tears and Trials
On his way back to Israel, Paul stop at a prominent seaport where the Meander River empties into the Aegean Sea. He invited his friends from Ephesus to make a 50 mile journey to see him. When they meet, Paul gives them and us an exhortation on the crucial elements of ministry

Chapter 20
A Riot in Jerusalem
Paul makes plans to travel to Jerusalem to deliver an offering and then head out to Rome. However his plans take a turn and open opportunities for him to present the Gospel in a manner he could only dream of.
Chapter 20 A Riot in Jerusalem

Chapter 21
On to the Eternal City
Paul gets a free trip to Rome after some rather unique ministry opportunities that he could have never arranged on his own.
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